On top of that, triangle is great for the spine, helping to lengthen it out, and also targets the hips and shoulders, offering both a nice stretch and increased mobility. And lastly, triangle may help promote digestion, as it gently stimulates all those digestive organs. The bottom line is, this pose manages to stretch nearly anything you could want to stretch, as well as encourages a strong core, which comes with so many other benefits. Whether you do it in your next Vinyasa class or at-home practice, it’s a pose you’ll want to remember.

Triangle Pose  Trikonasana  How To  Modifications   Benefits - 12Triangle Pose  Trikonasana  How To  Modifications   Benefits - 31Triangle Pose  Trikonasana  How To  Modifications   Benefits - 84Triangle Pose  Trikonasana  How To  Modifications   Benefits - 91