After becoming an integrative medicine physician, I began to seek out natural remedies for my allergies. I found dairy to be an important trigger, and by eliminating that from my diet I reduced my allergies by about 80%. Then I started adding herbs (like nettle root), enzymes (like bromelain), and real food (like bee pollen). I can now enjoy the outdoors and warm weather without taking any medications! While it does come in pill, powder, or liquid form, it’s best to consume the actual granules that the bees make. The granules have a sweet taste and powdery texture that can be used in smoothies, sprinkled on oatmeal or yogurt, or combined with granola. It’s also worth noting, bees make all sorts of beneficial things like propolis for clearing up skin problems and royal jelly. If you think you might have a sensitivity to pollen or a history of hay fever, try this simple test. Place a few granules in your mouth and wait 2 minutes. If you experience no symptoms (watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing), chew slowly and swallow. Wait another 24 hours and monitor your body for any symptoms. If you don’t experience any, gradually increase as stated above. Important note: If you have a history of anaphylactic shock or highly allergic to bee stings, it’s best to avoid bee pollen. If you’re pregnant, breast-feeding, or on blood thinners, please check with your doctor before consuming.

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