Did you know that consuming sugar causes the brain to release dopamine, the same neurotransmitter linked with cocaine usage? It boosts you into a momentary high, drops you like a ton of bricks, and leaves you craving more. A dangerous cycle for sure, and many of us can relate to being in what we affectionately call a “sugar coma.” We tend to associate this tag with children, most likely because our adult bodies have become so accustomed to the nasty cycle that we don’t even realize we have been suffering our entire lives from excess amounts of sugar. Increased appetite, insomnia, brain fog, mental chatter, depression, and far worse symptoms all generate from sugar consumption. If after all that, you’re looking to get your health and sanity under control, you’re not alone. Here’s how to best set yourself up for success: I also suggest writing down goals for yourself that you can achieve over time. Don’t be too aggressive—rather, set small goals each week that ladder up into one larger one. Read those goals out loud to yourself each day and meditate on ways to achieve them. Every day, find time to journal or reflect on how you have fared. If you had a setback, then you can do better the next day. But keep yourself accountable and make it real by putting it in writing. Protein helps your body feel full longer, so increasing it in your diet will help to curb those cravings, especially at that midday snack time. Try snacking on nuts and yogurt and incorporate more eggs and lean meats into meals. Your body will thank you for it. Carbs fall into three categories—sugars, starches, and fibers—but the body breaks down complex carbohydrates into simple sugars. Find yourself drawn to french fries, bread, and sushi? Your sugar fix originates in excess carbs. Avoid white and refined flour—rices, pastas, breads—and try nuts, seeds, and whole grains instead. If the carb is in its natural, unadulterated form, then it’s a good choice. When your cravings hit, try high-fiber foods to fill your belly and keep your digestive system moving like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. And don’t get stuck in the meal-label game—switch it up! Have eggs for dinner, avocado for breakfast, or oatmeal for lunch. Other essential oils that may help to curb cravings include black pepper, bergamot, cassia, cinnamon, clove, fennel, grapefruit, lemon, marjoram, and wild orange. While you may prefer scents that smell like your favorite sugary treats, I prefer to stick with ones that invigorate the senses, like peppermint and citrus oils. Reach for the essential oils! Putting a drop or two on a cotton ball, on your scarf, or on diffuser jewelry will help you have a rescue plan ready in action. Peppermint and grapefruit, alone or layered together, are my favorite go-to’s for curbing those cravings. Exercise! Go for a walk. Get up and move. Incorporate regular exercise into your life and involve your friends so that social time isn’t just eating and drinking. That peppermint and grapefruit may also help to motivate you to get moving. If you haven’t tried yoga, I recommend utilizing it for not only stretching out your body and toning your physique but also for giving our mind and body a specific time to connect and become in tune with each other. Adding essential oils like cedarwood, patchouli, or frankincense will help to ground and center your body and mind, allowing for deeper awareness. Meditate! Find some time for yourself and focus on what really matters in your life. Chances are that sugar won’t be at the top of that list. Find your passion, establish balance in your life, and seek peace and happiness by loving yourself enough to break the sugar habit. If you focus on a positive affirmation while doing yoga, such as “I am enough” or “Sugar has no power over me,” you’re priming your body to react as well and get the message. Even more common is associating sugar with your social life. When you go out with your friends, do you have a mixed drink? Do you treat yourself with dessert or indulge in something you wouldn’t normally fix at home? Indulge occasionally, not habitually. What about times of stress, times of grief, or specific times of the month? When we make sugar a comfort food, we train our bodies to crave it every time we find ourselves in these emotional situations. Allow yourself to express emotions instead of masking them with sugar. Essential oils can also help you to combat tense moments. Lavender and ylang-ylang contain amazing calming properties that help the body to release pent-up stress and anxiety. Grounding and balancing oils such as patchouli, cedarwood, and frankincense can help your body to find calm, rebalance, and reclaim control over other distractions2. And for that favorite time of a woman’s month, reach for the clary sage to ease your symptoms and regain control of your hormones. Remember that journal we talked about before? As you write down what you eat, you can begin to notice patterns of sugar indulgence. Look for them and see if you can pinpoint the underlying triggers for the sugar cravings. Then write an alternative for each trigger. What will you do when you find yourself in these situations again? Make a plan, and work that plan!

Giving Up Sugar  Here s Your Complete Toolbox - 31Giving Up Sugar  Here s Your Complete Toolbox - 18Giving Up Sugar  Here s Your Complete Toolbox - 89Giving Up Sugar  Here s Your Complete Toolbox - 73