This 55-question quiz will put your knowledge of each other to the test. Simply grab a piece of paper each (or open up your Notes app), write down your answers, and when you’re done, share your answers with each other. For example, you’ll each write down what you think each other’s favorite movie is. At the end, you’ll each say what you thought the other’s answer would be, and then you can find out if you got it right or wrong. Mark the ones you get correct to come up with a final tally. Page is also a fan of the 36 questions to fall in love, developed in the 1990s by psychologists Arthur Aron, Ph.D.; Elaine Aron, Ph.D.; and other researchers. This set of questions has been found, on many an occasion, to cultivate intimacy and connection between strangers—so it certainly couldn’t hurt to cover those questions, Page says. In addition to that, Richmond suggests simply getting curious with each other on a regular basis. “Sit down at least once a week, where you have each other’s undivided attention, with eye contact, and you aren’t distracted.” Ask each other questions, have genuine curiosity for each other, and just enjoy the process of getting to know each other. (Here are some conversation starters for couples to get you started.) Whether you aced this quiz or there’s still more to learn, the bottom line is, it’s important to understand who we’re with. When we take time to consciously learn about our partner, not only do we see them more and more as they truly are, but we give them the gift of being seen and understood.

A Quiz To Test How Well You   Your Partner Really Know Each Other - 72A Quiz To Test How Well You   Your Partner Really Know Each Other - 72A Quiz To Test How Well You   Your Partner Really Know Each Other - 9A Quiz To Test How Well You   Your Partner Really Know Each Other - 3