Following an anti-inflammatory diet meal plan can help combat chronic inflammation2, potentially slowing and/or reversing these disease states and promoting longevity—not to mention making you feel better and happier overall. “Overall, an anti-inflammatory diet consists of eating foods that are primarily anti-inflammatory and avoiding foods that are pro-inflammatory in nature,” says Pooja Mahtani, PharmD, M.S., CNS, LDN, IFMCP, a licensed dietitian-nutritionist specializing in functional nutrition. “While there are general guidelines for what foods are considered anti-inflammatory vs. pro-inflammatory, it truly must be personalized for the individual. Foods that are inflammatory to one person may be completely safe for another individual.” That being said, there are two general principles3 of an anti-inflammatory diet: Eat whole foods that are rich in healthy fats and phytonutrients and maintain a stable glycemic response (i.e., avoid blood sugar spikes and drops). “Inflammation is a byproduct of immune system surveillance. If the immune system suspects something is off, it will begin to deploy its soldiers, which can then unleash inflammatory mediators at a specific site in the body to ‘resolve’ the issue,” says Mahtani. “If the issue isn’t because of an acute injury or infection and instead is due to a chronic inflammatory diet, the inflammation will continue to persist as long as this inflammatory diet is consumed.” Over time, this chronic inflammation can damage healthy tissues and organs in the body, contributing to the following: Eating an anti-inflammatory diet has been shown to protect against certain diseases10, as well as contribute to longevity and slow the aging process11. It’s also connected to a better mood and a lower incidence of mental health disorders12.  In one review published in the Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition13 in 2022, researchers reported that long-term adherence to an anti-inflammatory diet could prevent depression and anxiety, while eating lots of pro-inflammatory foods could promote and exacerbate these mental health conditions.  Here’s a more comprehensive breakdown of the foods you should avoid (or limit as much as possible) on an anti-inflammatory diet: Here’s your 7-day meal plan that consists of a daily breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack, as well as some nutritionist tips for how to easily adjust the meals to make them your own. If you need more guidance on building out a meal plan, check out these anti-inflammatory eating tips. She has written twelve books and has had more than 2,000 articles published across various websites. Lindsay currently works full time as a freelance health writer. She truly believes that you can transform your life through food, proper mindset and shared experiences. That’s why it’s her goal to educate others, while also being open and vulnerable to create real connections with her clients and readers.

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