Over time, I found that while some of my clients could handle fasts with ease, many others couldn’t. They hot hungry and shaky, they started having headaches, or they couldn’t focus at work–so they give up. While I knew my patients could lose weight over time without fasting, I also knew that it was a great way to see results quickly. And then it hit me: bone broth. Here’s exactly how bone broth can help with weight loss: Chronic inflammation can lead to biochemical changes that can make you put on weight. And when you add pounds, it can become a vicious cycle—inflammation leading to weight gain, leading to more inflammation. This sets the stage for insulin resistance and other metabolic changes that can cause you to put on even more weight, develop more inflammation, and so on. The good news is, you can break this cycle and help chronic inflammation (and reduce weight gain) with nutrients like those concentrated in bone broth. When my patients do twice-a-week mini-fasts, combining the power of fasting with the nutrient-rich qualities of bone broth, the effect is stunning. They can’t believe how little sacrifice they need to make, how little they’re tempted to eat the junk they used to crave, and how fast they see results. A weight-loss and natural anti-aging expert, Petrucci is a concierge doctor for celebrities in New York City and Los Angeles. She is a board-certified naturopathic physician and a certified nutrition consultant. Dr. Petrucci attended Temple University and St. Joseph’s University before doing postgraduate work in Europe, studying naturopathic medicine in England and Switzerland. She is one of the few practitioners in the United States certified in biological medicine by the esteemed Dr. Thomas Rau of the Paracelsus Klinik Lustmuhle in Switzerland. Petrucci is a weekly contributor on Dr. Oz and appears regularly on Good Morning America and other national news programs. As the driving force behind the popular website drkellyann.com. Currently, Petrucci is focusing much of her attention on developing innovative beauty- and food-based products.

6 Reasons To Add Bone Broth To Your Diet For Weight Loss - 326 Reasons To Add Bone Broth To Your Diet For Weight Loss - 146 Reasons To Add Bone Broth To Your Diet For Weight Loss - 30