Concentrating on the spine in flexibility, stability, and strength is crucial for a healthy, pain-free back. Read ahead to find your optimal alignment, as well as four exercises that help you maintain neutral spine alignment and move through the world with greater ease: Always prioritize alignment and active muscular engagement over depth and range of motion. Because pelvis and thigh bone anatomy is individual to your body, your neighbor may squat lower, but you’re both doing what’s ideal for your own body type. The focus of this exercise is back-body integration into the ground. By energetically connecting your entire back body to the floor, you have a greater ability to fire up all of your trunk stabilizers.

4 Simple Exercises That Will Help You Realign Your Spine - 294 Simple Exercises That Will Help You Realign Your Spine - 344 Simple Exercises That Will Help You Realign Your Spine - 884 Simple Exercises That Will Help You Realign Your Spine - 854 Simple Exercises That Will Help You Realign Your Spine - 324 Simple Exercises That Will Help You Realign Your Spine - 694 Simple Exercises That Will Help You Realign Your Spine - 404 Simple Exercises That Will Help You Realign Your Spine - 21