However, it can easily slip your mind to regularly practice positive self-talk if you don’t make it a habit. And yes, it might sound and feel ridiculous at first, but if you keep going with your positive self-talk it will become natural to you. To help you stay on track, you may like to put some post-it notes wherever you’ll see them: on the bathroom mirror, on your computer screen, inside of your wallet, in your car — wherever works for you. It’s important to constantly remind yourself to speak kindly to yourself until it becomes a habit. When clients first come to me, this what they tell themselves day in and day out: “I don’t want to feel overwhelmed. I don’t want to feel full of anxiety and stress. I don’t want to be rushed every minute of every day. I don’t want my house to be full of chaos and unhappiness. I don’t want my mind being consumed with negative thoughts and my body being filled with physical tension. I don’t want to feel so tired and exhausted. I don’t want to feel like I live in a whirlwind. I don’t want to feel ’less’ than. I don’t want to just exist from day to day.” I immediately become clear on what they don’t want, so I shift their focus on what they do want by using mantras during difficult moments. After all, what we focus on expands, and what we send out will always return to us. I then suggest that they change their self-talk to something like: Belinda works with women who are ready to ignite their light and zest for life through one-on-one coaching, online group programs, and life-changing and soul-nourishing Wellness Retreats in Fiji and Ubud, Bali. Belinda’s mission is to help you create a life you love from the inside out so that you can live your healthiest and happiest life. .

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