So how, as the insanely busy people we are, would anyone ever do this? About two years ago, even though I was working so diligently at work, I couldn’t deny that I often looked at the clock and longed for the work day to end. But then I looked at it again, at home, waiting for the kids’ bedtime to arrive, and then I was waiting for the time I could wind down and go to sleep. I often used internet, social media, coffee and snacks as distraction (it would give me the brain dopamine spike I needed). I actually forgot what I used to love as a child. I had lost a sense of purpose when waking up in the morning. Then, I observed my friend, and it was completely different for her. She was just as busy as I was, if not more so, and seemingly found time to work on her passion project. She told me she would often go into a state of flow when she was writing about her interests. She told me it energized her and gave her clarity. She told me that one day she may turn it into a career. “What?!” I thought. “How does she have time and energy for this?” and even more importantly, “How did she even find this project?” I was intrigued to say the least, and I started on my own path to become more purposeful with my time and working on a passion project. This is why I wrote this: to convince you to start your own passion project. And why should you listen to me? I’m no expert in finding purpose and you shouldn’t listen to anyone but yourself when it comes to your life, but here is my experience. I have studied the human body extensively and I feel that there is an intimate connection between finding your purpose and your overall health. These two seemingly unrelated ideas that are completely intertwined. If you’re skeptical, good! You should be! I was the same way. Here are 10 reasons why you’ll benefit from starting your own passion project: By working on a something like a blog about music, sports, art or eating habits, you can turn that switch to the off, or at least to the pause position. For most people, by correcting this imbalance, they start to notice increased energy, decrease in their body fat, and improved wellbeing. So, what if you want to embark on your passion project today? Go ahead because you are the only one who knows what to do. I don’t know. Nobody else knows. But once you begin, the world won’t ever be the same. A cutting-edge nutrition deep dive taught by 20+ top health & wellness experts

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